Together with the Skipton Business Improvement District (BID), Skipton Town Council operates a Town Centre Ambassador scheme across the Town Centre.
In effect, this is a mobile tourist information service providing help, advice and directions to members of the public visiting the Town Centre.
The Ambassadors also keep a check on the local environment, looking out for litter, dog fouling, graffiti, fly-posting and other anti-social activities - liaising with the appropriate agency to help resolve the issue.
The Ambassadors are also an important part of the Skipton Business Crime Reduction Partnership, keeping an eye on the Town Centre and linked to the main scheme by radio.
As well as our paid supervisor roles, the Council has a number of volunteer ambassadors - and is always interested to hear from anyone who may wish to volunteer for the scheme. There is no minimum requirement, hours can be arranged to suit personal circumstances and availability. Training, equipment and protective clothing are provided to successful applicants.
If you are interested in becoming a Volunteer Ambassador, you should complete a Volunteer Application Form and return it to the Council.