Welcome to Skipton Town Council

Our aim is to make Skipton a better place to live, work, and visit.

Latest News

Enquiries to the office

If you are enquiry is relating to council tax, waste collections, highways issues or any other issue for North Yorkshire Council, they can be contacted on 0300 131 21 31. 

Market Officer Position

The Town Council is recruiting for the post of Market Officer. For more information visit our job vacancies page.

Skipton Town Council Strategic Plan 2024-2028

The Town Council has adopted a Strategic Plan for 2024-2028. Click here to see a copy of the plan. 

Live Streaming

Skipton Town Council filmed its Full Council Meeting on the 18th Jan. This was the first time the Council has filmed a meeting. This was done with technical support from Craven College. The next meeting to be filmed will be the Full Council meeting in March. 

York and North Yorkshire Mayoral Election 02.05.24 

The York and North Yorkshire Mayor will be chosen by you in the election on Thursday 2 May 2024.

The York and North Yorkshire Mayor will lead the York and North Yorkshire Combined Authority, with investment of £540 million to be spent over the next 30 years. The Mayor and Combined Authority will have powers and responsibilities devolved to them by central government. This includes powers to improve the supply and quality of housing and funds to improve transport.

Find out more about how to vote at: https://www.northyorks.gov.uk/mayoralelection